Thursday, November 20, 2008

Privatiziation of medical care, good or not?


This article talks about the pros and cons of having to privatize medical care, The privatization of health care involves provision involves both the creation of new for-profit medical services - nursing homes, hospitals, specialized clinics for menopause, pain, cosmetic surgery, child development ,etc . Having privatization also benefits the seniors that they can stay in traditional fee-for-service Medicare and keep the doctors they trust,but the bad thing about this is in order to get a prescription drug benefit they must sign up with private insurers for a privately run drug plan. Although this article encourages that the privatization is not a good idea since it wouldn't be insured by the government and so on.

In this chapter it talks about privatization, how provincial governments have privatized government- operated business such as liquor stores, electricity, and ambulances.Privatization is a worldwide phenomenon. In recent years all levels of government, seeking to reduce costs, have begun turning to the private sector to provide some of the services that are ordinarily provided by government. The spread of the privatization movement is grounded in the fundamental belief that market competition in the private sector is a more efficient way to provide these services and allows for greater citizen choice. But there are concerns about service quality, social equity, and employment conditions raise skepticism of privatization.

Personal Reflection
I agree that privatization will help to profit the federal government in a sense of them not spending tremendous amount of money on services of various business that serves citizens like bus transportation ran by provincial government . But services like medical care should not be privatized because illegal procedures can be taken when it comes to the distribution of medical drugs and uncertified surgeons being hired in some countries. Although it can become beneficial to patients but there are risks along the way. Privatization in general can benefit the economy because of the ransom amount of crown corporation being sold to be privatized brings over 6 million dollars to governments around the world.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Elasticity of gasoline

In this article of the "price elasticity of gasoline, again" it talkes about how oil companies are trying to produce the amount of oil with the amount of consumption to limit the resource of oil ,therefore by changing the price can both change consumption and demand. It also suggests to the fact that the oil companies are purposily tryin to increase oil prices to not let gas become scarce, so that the demand goes down. As if the the oil company has already consumed large amount of money enought, The taxes also determine the price of gases as well. The decrease in tax won't have any effect to gas, but if to say that if tax raises , the gas prices increase.

In this chapter we talked about how elasticity can be determined by how we as consumers change prices by demanding more or less of a product or price changes can impact a change on how we as consumers demand of a product. This being said, the Demand and supply demand for a product that we now know today is chiefly determined by its price.The price of a chocolate bar works the same way.As prices of the chocolate stay the same we intend to buy more of it, therefore the demand is strong,but when prices goes up we reject the fact of paying more and so the demand goes low. Price elasticity gives us a better picture of this relationship between demand and price. It describes how responsive demand is to a change in price. Relating to gasoline , lets say a gallon of gas costs $3.00. Now let's say that tomorrow, when we go to fill up our tank, gas prices have increased 10 percent - to $3.30. If the price stays this high we might re-think the weekend trip. but in general we will probably drive approximately the same number of miles over the coming week as we did last week. For the sake of the example let's assume that our gas consumption declined by only 5 percent. So a 10 percent rise in the price of gas led to a 5 percent decrease in our demand, therfore we say gas as inelastic since our demand is not very responsive to changes in price.


I personally think that the oil companies are doing the right thing, Their main concern is to lower the consumption and the demand of oil because of not wanting this resource of becoming scarce or what not, But they are also trying to encourage other alternatives , such as hybrids or other transportation that not involves much gas which favours the enviornment. As gas is considered as inelastic, it will continue to have a higher demand, since it is a necessity to our daily lives.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Mobile danger

This article basically talks about the long term effects of mobile phones , in which they cause brain trumors to long time users. Studies have showed Children who use mobile phones are five times more likely to develop a type of brain tumour then adults,this is because The Swedish study indicated that kids under 16 are more at risk of radiation from mobile phones because their brains and nervous systems are still developing. Its is recommended that kids under 12 should use mobile phones for emergencies. This will also effects some the mobile companies, since it’s a major downfall in the companies business, it will also have an impact in the economy as the use of many mobile users will if this dilemma came to be serious, also the demand of better mobile providers will decrease. I agree that now a days most teenagers need mobile as a neccessity and unaware of the dangers,but more should be done about the problem. The idea of cell phone giving tumours might sound skeptical to some people, but it contributes to one of the raising unknown cancers that are untreatable and soon to become harmful to people if it is'nt taken seriously. But I think personally, that the mobile phone companies won’t suffer completely, since we live in an age of technology, the companies may find solutions to lower the risk by the production of harmless radiation mobile phones.
