Friday, September 26, 2008

Mobile danger

This article basically talks about the long term effects of mobile phones , in which they cause brain trumors to long time users. Studies have showed Children who use mobile phones are five times more likely to develop a type of brain tumour then adults,this is because The Swedish study indicated that kids under 16 are more at risk of radiation from mobile phones because their brains and nervous systems are still developing. Its is recommended that kids under 12 should use mobile phones for emergencies. This will also effects some the mobile companies, since it’s a major downfall in the companies business, it will also have an impact in the economy as the use of many mobile users will if this dilemma came to be serious, also the demand of better mobile providers will decrease. I agree that now a days most teenagers need mobile as a neccessity and unaware of the dangers,but more should be done about the problem. The idea of cell phone giving tumours might sound skeptical to some people, but it contributes to one of the raising unknown cancers that are untreatable and soon to become harmful to people if it is'nt taken seriously. But I think personally, that the mobile phone companies won’t suffer completely, since we live in an age of technology, the companies may find solutions to lower the risk by the production of harmless radiation mobile phones.



yasser said...

Parents should not allow their children under the age of 12 as i dont see any need the children having the cell phones if they already have phones at home. I also understand that the effect that this is going to cause to the phone marrket is going to affect the world economy since information is one of the greatest industries the world has. But thinking about the future and how this is going to affect the workers who are the children under 12 is going to greatly affect the economy since most of the money made will have to go into medical purposes and finding cure for more diseases that this will cause. On this issue i take the communist side of the government.

Yasser B.

David Bach said...

please change your font colour so i can read this entry.

mr. bach